Mast reflections by DonGato CC Attribution, Noncommercial, No Derivative works.
- Tying in with Michael Horn's keynote, DisruptingClass: How Disruptive Innovation is Changing the Way the World Learns, web 2.0 tools and the young field of DL are part of the current disruptive innovation. Horn says that to be successful, disruptive innovations must be allowed to be separate from the status quo and not judged by the current/old norms. My take--Don't force your DL program to be like the regular school program; let your DL teachers and admin experiment and innovate--they have the potential to help many of those kids whose needs are not currently being met in schools.
- DL schools don't necessarily fit with the rest of the school system
- there is as shift to teaching mastery: a DL environment is the perfect place for this
- More educators are finding that tools like Elluminate Live! can be very powerful, especially with math instruction and tutoring. (**A Province-wide license means that Elluminate Live! is free to use for all BC educators--go here to find out more)
- A surprising small number of DL educators are on Twitter, but perhaps more will be after Ellen Wagner's keynote :-)
- A surprising number of delegates have not yet dipped their toes in the web 2.0 waters
- There is a shift away from the tools to the pedagogy of teaching and learning in a DL environment
- No two DL schools are alike--some offer only synchronous programs, some offer asynchronous and continuous enrollment, some are 12 month operations, some are big, some are small, some offer special ed, some don't...
- More people are willing to share their stuff; not just their ideas, but the things they have created.
My last point is BIG. Two years ago when I went to the predecessor of the VSS conference, the BC Ed Online, the mood was one of competition. We were all competing for the same pool of DL students. Talk was of how to protect what we've created, not how to share. I'm glad for the change in perspective.
My brain will be mulling over the VSS sessions and discussions for quite a while to come and this post was a chance for me to finally put down my thoughts. The conference will inform the direction my school takes over the next little while, and that is pretty exciting.
The Last Words
My questions for you are, (1) have you noticed a shift towards sharing? I mean, it's so gosh darned easy now to share what you have created in the digital world, shouldn't we all be sharing? Doesn't that give more value to what you've spent time creating? (2) Are you starting to notice a shift away from the tools and towards best practices in this increasingly digital world?
As always, thanks for reading!